async_job 0.1.4

Simple async cron job crate for Rust


A simple trait for async cron jobs in Rust.

Getting Started

  1. cargo add async_job


use async_job::{Job, Runner, Schedule, async_trait};

struct ExampleJob;

impl Job for ExampleJob {
    fn schedule(&self) -> Option<Schedule> {
        Some("1/5 * * * * *".parse().unwrap())
    // run any async or sync task here with mutation capabilities
    async fn handle(&mut self) {
        println!("Hello, I am a cron job running at: {}",;

If you need to use a single threaded env disable the default feature and set the feature rt,

Feature Flags

  1. rt: Single threaded tokio runtime.
  2. rt-multi-thread: Multi threaded tokio runtime. Enabled by default


Run the example with cargo run --example example